October: Times of Transition

Discover the ABCs of Life with Traci

(561) 403-3640

October, The month of transition to winter! I love October the fall leaves, the summer days, the cool evenings. However, it does mean a transition. A change! The days get shorter, the weather colder and of course we need to layer up and keep warm. In many ways a month of preparation. In early times it was the harvest. Bringing in the crops and preparing for a cold winter , preparing to slow down and rest in order to be ready for spring. We don’t heed our need for transitional times and our minds and bodies feel the stress from always being in summer mode. We need to heed our bodies call to turn inward and reflect, stay warm , seek comfort in order to sustain ourselves and provide for others. Too many people are over scheduled and have no time to take care of themselves let alone attend to family and relationship needs. No wonder we have so many fractured relationships when we need to attend to self first in order to have a healthy relationship.

Take time this fall, seek to read something that speaks to you, journal, reflect go inward it is the time! No one else can give us this we must seek it for ourselves. Make a promise to yourself that will improve how you feel as well as help heal stress. Begin to meditate, focus on breathing slowly, journal your dreams, write poetry… anything that slows you down. Listen to your thoughts, reflect and choose not to react.

For many this particular fall is providing so much stress and fear. World worries impact everyone, Transition of world leaders also impacts us all. Focus upon what you can do to be positive, try to  positively influence the situation, conversation or issue. Try to learn from the media that reactivity does not work. We can learn from situations we do not like, ones we may react strongly against. Bring our awareness to the situation and do something proactive. It is the best way of helping ourselves , our families and the world.

Tending our lives and our transitions with love and understanding will foster growth and a better start in a new direction. 

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Suite 208 1571 Bellevue Ave
West Vancouver, BC V7V 1A6, Canada

